
Welcome back for another post. Virginity and abstinence are two principals seen all through out the Bible but do we truly understand the importance of them both. 3 John 1:2 states, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers (NKJV).” Why do we need to focus on our souls prospering as we prosper? The Bible tells us in Proverbs 25:28 that “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls (KJV).” So if you do not gain control of your soul then you will be like an unfenced city which is easily attainable. If your soul is easily overtaken, then the devil can come and conquer you which causes harm in your life. Now the question lays in how this coincides with virginity and abstinence. What happens when we have sex with people? Soul ties are created and in those soul ties spirits are shared. Just like when you have sex with someone, sexually transmitted diseases can come about, it is the same with soul ties. When you lay down with someone, the more demonic/uncleaned spirits you receive the more of an unfenced city you are which is easily accessible to the devil. To better understand the importance of virginity and abstinence, I am going to tell a story just as Jesus spoke in parables. There are two individuals who are desiring a long-term relationship that can turn into marriage from God. One person decides that they would wait until marriage to have sex, so they are choosing to abstain because they want to come to God blameless (Titus 1:6-9). The other person still sleeps around while still asking God for greater. So because God is our Father, He blesses both with their hearts desire. The two young ladies are blessed with men, and they enter their God ordained relationships. For one who decided to abstain, her relationship is okay because no relationship is perfect. During her relationship, she becomes closer and closer to God, and He begins to prepare her for the next step which is marriage. The young lady spends more time in prayer and her territory begins to be enlarged to the point that whoever comes into contact with her is enlightened. Because the young lady was rooted in the firm foundation of God, she was able to weather the storms that come with all relationships. She learned the importance of Psalms 1 especially verse 3. She learned how to humble herself and God was able to bless her with her heart’s desire. The guy she was dating, not perfect, proposed. God was able to heal her because she was able to spend time prospering her soul. She broke soul ties and God was able to create in her a clean heart and renew a right spirit. So entering into her marriage, her soul was whole. Whatever curve ball the devil threw at her from her husband, she was able to stand in faith and overcome many of them. She became a true Proverbs 31 woman and lived her life as a son of God. Now for the other young woman who continued down her path with sexual partners, but God is merciful and he wants nothing but the best for us, He gives her the chance to show herself strong. She enters her relationship but there are so many problems. She does not know what is happening. She knows she loves the young man but they cannot get on one accord. She constantly cries out to God but it seems as if God is not answering her. Eventually, her and the young man break up. She later learns that he was her husband but she had too many soul ties which hindered her to excel in her relationship. She was in failure before it could begin. My question to you is which scenario do you prefer? Being in abstinence is a choice you make to better your soul and your life. I hear countless times by other men and women including my husband that when they decide to abstain from sex in their relationships, God is able to come in and move in a powerful way. For example, I know someone who decided to abstain from sex in their relationship. Since they did this, they were able to see the true colors of their partner and get out of the relationship before it was too late. They were going to proposed to their partner. They saw the person’s true character because they abstained from sex. Having sex means two become one flesh and you’re supposed to come in flesh when there is marriage (1 Corinthians 6:16). So, every person you are deciding to have sex with is your husband or wife. Now can you explain to me how is God supposed to send you a husband or wife if you already have countless others, He cannot. We are living in a broken generation with hurt and pain from generations so why would you want to have sex to pick up their hurt. Now you are carrying the load of your generational hurt and somebody else’s. Isn’t that load too heavy to bear? There is a reason the Bible tells us to abstain and to keep ourselves until marriage. God wants to protect our souls and hearts because out of them are the issues of life (Proverbs 4:3). However, He also tells us that if we cannot control ourselves then we should marry rather than burn with passion (1 Corinthians 7:9). Even God understands that sex provides our body with passion but is all passion good for us. The simple answer is no. So God we thank you today for helping us to heal our souls. God, help us to not crave sexual things but to only do your will where our lives are concerned. God, please forgive us of all our sin and wash us clean today. Father, bless us and help us to abstain, In Jesus name. Tune in Next week for the blog, The Love of All Things, where I explain the difference between why we should love earthly items but not be in love. Thank you guys and see you next week.


The Love of All Things


Before I Meet You